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Introducing Your Tween to Staying Home Alone

Not that your tween is ready to spend more time at home alone, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that they have their own key for safe access to the house when nobody else is home. But instead of just handing over a basic copy of the house key, it’s important to take some precautions that will keep your home safe as your child learns the ins-and-outs of safe home management. For example, you can have your locksmith change the lock on just one door of the house that your tween can have the key to for indoor access. If they lose the key, you don’t have to worry about it opening any other doors but the one obscure entrance that was previously chosen. You’ll find many other helpful tips and tricks on this website that are sure to help keep your tween and home safe.

Working On A Long-Term Remodel? Install A Keyless Entry System At All Entrances

8 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Remodeling your home is something that you can work on for as short as a day or as long as a lifetime. If you recently bought or inherited a property that would be considered a fixer-upper in most eyes, you may be ready to undertake a long-term remodeling project that could span the course of a few months to several years. You can easily get this done without making initial changes by giving keys to everyone. Read More …

Tips On How To Pick Out A Safe For Your Office

2 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There are a few quick steps that you can take to pick out a good office safe. With lots of options to browse through, it certainly helps to narrow down your options as you look. Step 1: Make a List of Items The first step will be to make a list of items that will go in your safe. Then you will measure the length, width, and height of these items. Read More …

How To Ensure Your Commercial Door Keeps Your Business Safe

13 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Commercial doors are often designed to be heavy duty and made from materials like steel, glass, or aluminum, depending on their use. The locks and door handle used on these doors are also heavier and often require a locksmith to change or repair them. There are many reasons that you may need to change your locks on a commercial property, and finding a locksmith to help you with the work is often the best way to go. Read More …

College Dorm Security: 4 Hidden Cameras Ideal for Monitoring Your Valuables

4 May 2016
 Categories: , Articles

The college life often presents many changes. Along with starting all new classes and attending a different school, you often find yourself living in a dorm room with new friends and roommates. Sometimes it may be hard to trust your new roommates or other people living in the dorm area. Instead of leaving laptops, MP3 players, and tablets vulnerable, you can add some protection with hidden camera installations. The following four types of hidden cameras are ideal for dorm rooms. Read More …

Restricted Keyway Locks Can Improve the Security of Your Business

3 May 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you are a business owner you will probably encounter times when your employees will need access to the business when you cannot be there yourself. This may cause you to worry about the security of your building. While giving access to only those you trust is the obvious first step to improving security, there are other things you can do to improve security and keep a tight control on who has access to the building. Read More …