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Introducing Your Tween to Staying Home Alone

Not that your tween is ready to spend more time at home alone, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that they have their own key for safe access to the house when nobody else is home. But instead of just handing over a basic copy of the house key, it’s important to take some precautions that will keep your home safe as your child learns the ins-and-outs of safe home management. For example, you can have your locksmith change the lock on just one door of the house that your tween can have the key to for indoor access. If they lose the key, you don’t have to worry about it opening any other doors but the one obscure entrance that was previously chosen. You’ll find many other helpful tips and tricks on this website that are sure to help keep your tween and home safe.

3 Tips To Be Prepared For Driving Emergencies

29 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Driving emergencies are bound to happen, no matter how careful you are. To stay safe on the road there are several ways you can prepare for almost any driving emergency. Create An Emergency Kit Having an emergency kit in your trunk is imperative to stay safe in any situation you might face. The easiest way to have an emergency kit is to purchase a prepared one from a retail store. Your emergency kit should have the tools necessary to perform basic repairs to your vehicle, such as changing a flat tire or jump-starting the battery. Read More …

Locks Are No Good If You Don’t Protect Your Keys

20 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You can spend a ton of money investing in the best possible locks for your home, but if you don't practice safety with your keys, that investment will be for nothing. Chances are, you don't give much thought to how you handle your keys. Here, you'll learn a few things that will help you keep your keys out of the hands of potential burglars. Minimize Keys on Your Keychain It might be easier for you to keep all of your keys on a single keychain, but it isn't the safest thing for you to do. Read More …

Tips For Rekeying A House Lock During A Divorce Situation

26 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the more delicate situations in which you might find yourself when you work as a locksmith is rekeying a residential lock during a divorce. After one spouse has left the house, the other may call you and ask you to hurriedly pay him or her a visit to get this job done. This task isn't a particularly happy one for anyone, including you — but you need to be a professional about it and get the job done properly and quickly. Read More …

Time To Secure Your Belongings? 4 Things You Need To Know About Safes

5 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're in the market for home safe, you need to make sure that you're getting the right one. You might think that all safes are the same, however, that's not quite right. Unfortunately, if you purchase the wrong type of safe, you could find yourself in serious trouble. Before you purchase a safe for your home, here are four things you'll need to keep in mind. Fireproof Doesn't Equal Theft-Proof Read More …

5 Ways A Locksmith Can Help You And Your Family

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

While you may assume that you have no need for a locksmith, that may not be entirely true. Locksmiths are able to help in a variety of ways and can complete a mix of services. There are many locksmiths in your area who are willing and able to help you. Keep reading to better understand the many ways in which a locksmith can help you and your family. 1. Unlock Your Car Read More …