Time To Secure Your Belongings? 4 Things You Need To Know About Safes

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Introducing Your Tween to Staying Home Alone

Not that your tween is ready to spend more time at home alone, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that they have their own key for safe access to the house when nobody else is home. But instead of just handing over a basic copy of the house key, it’s important to take some precautions that will keep your home safe as your child learns the ins-and-outs of safe home management. For example, you can have your locksmith change the lock on just one door of the house that your tween can have the key to for indoor access. If they lose the key, you don’t have to worry about it opening any other doors but the one obscure entrance that was previously chosen. You’ll find many other helpful tips and tricks on this website that are sure to help keep your tween and home safe.

Time To Secure Your Belongings? 4 Things You Need To Know About Safes

5 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're in the market for home safe, you need to make sure that you're getting the right one. You might think that all safes are the same, however, that's not quite right. Unfortunately, if you purchase the wrong type of safe, you could find yourself in serious trouble. Before you purchase a safe for your home, here are four things you'll need to keep in mind.

Fireproof Doesn't Equal Theft-Proof

When it comes to choosing the right safe for your home, it's important to remember that fireproof doesn't equal theft-proof. If you choose a safe based entirely on its distinction of being fireproof, you may discover that it's not designed to be theft-proof. That's because fire-resistant safes are designed with a different type of metal; one that will keep the smoke and the heat out, but won't prevent break-ins. If you want a safe that is both fireproof and theft-proof, you'll need to check the labels, and choose one that specifically lists both types of protection.

Floor Safes Won't Protect Against Fire

If you're going to have a floor safe installed in your home, you should be aware that they won't provide much protection against fire. While five sides of the safe may be secure inside the floor, the door is exposed, and without adequate protection. That's because most floor safes are designed without the fire retardant element in the door that's required to provide fire protection. If you're going to use a floor safe, be sure to install an additional safe that will provide fire protection for your paper valuables.

Wall Safes Aren't Always Secure

If you've decided to install a wall safe, you might want to rethink your decision. Many people choose wall safes because they're easily concealable behind pictures and furniture. Unfortunately, most thieves know to where to check for wall safes, which means it's highly likely that a thief will locate your wall safe, and figure out how to break into it. If you have high-end valuables, such as jewelry, stocks, cash, etc., it's best to go with a different type of safe, or have it installed somewhere off the beaten path in your home.

Firearms Require Separate Safes

When it comes to securing your firearms, it's important to remember that you'll require a different type of safe. Firearms require a separate safe from the ones you'll be using for your other valuables. When purchasing a safe for your firearms, be sure to let the salesperson know what it will be used for. They'll be able to help you choose a safe that will keep your firearms locked safely away.

For more information, contact a safe wholesaler and speak with a representative.