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Introducing Your Tween to Staying Home Alone

Not that your tween is ready to spend more time at home alone, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that they have their own key for safe access to the house when nobody else is home. But instead of just handing over a basic copy of the house key, it’s important to take some precautions that will keep your home safe as your child learns the ins-and-outs of safe home management. For example, you can have your locksmith change the lock on just one door of the house that your tween can have the key to for indoor access. If they lose the key, you don’t have to worry about it opening any other doors but the one obscure entrance that was previously chosen. You’ll find many other helpful tips and tricks on this website that are sure to help keep your tween and home safe.

Emergency Rekeying: What You Need to Know

1 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Home and business security is important, and one way to ensure your security measures are effective is by rekeying your locks periodically. Changing the locks on your doors or windows will prevent unauthorized entry, but sometimes, you might need to rekey your locks immediately due to certain circumstances like a lost key, break-in, or eviction notice. That's where emergency rekeying comes in. In this informative blog post, we'll look at what emergency rekeying is, how it works, and why it's beneficial to you. Read More …