Work-At-Home Mom With Baby In Tow? These Items Are Essential

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Introducing Your Tween to Staying Home Alone

Not that your tween is ready to spend more time at home alone, it’s probably a good idea to make sure that they have their own key for safe access to the house when nobody else is home. But instead of just handing over a basic copy of the house key, it’s important to take some precautions that will keep your home safe as your child learns the ins-and-outs of safe home management. For example, you can have your locksmith change the lock on just one door of the house that your tween can have the key to for indoor access. If they lose the key, you don’t have to worry about it opening any other doors but the one obscure entrance that was previously chosen. You’ll find many other helpful tips and tricks on this website that are sure to help keep your tween and home safe.

Work-At-Home Mom With Baby In Tow? These Items Are Essential

27 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Being a work-at-home mom is becoming more and more doable with the many new technologies and designs that are coming out. Here are four things you need to have at home if you want to work while also keeping your toddler or baby safe and happy.

Espresso Machine

Your coffee routine is critical to you. But, part of the benefits of working from home is that you don't have to put the time into a commute. And bringing baby to a coffee shop and back would take a good half hour out of every workday. Do yourself a favor and invest in a good coffee machine instead.

Good Access Control

You don't want to worry what your child is getting into while you're trying to focus on your work project. Locksmith services will help you set up good access control within your home so that you can feel confident your child is kept out of areas they shouldn't be in. Access control methods include, for example, the ability to lock specific areas of the house easily with a pin code. It also means you could easily lock certain drawers pull of knives, files, or other potentially dangerous items for your young child to get into. For example, a great lock for a single drawer could require you to tap buttons in a specific order or enter a code.

Engaging, Quiet Toys

Many toys for babies and young toddlers focus on noise as a way to stimulate children. But there are many things your child can learn from tactile toys that don't make a lot of sound. When you're picking toys to give your child during the workday, focus on toys that are educational and engaging but that won't have you pulling out your hair.

The Right Desk Equipment

It's likely that you will have to take many more breaks than the average person in order to get through the workday. Your baby is crying and needs your attention, or you simply want to check on her because you haven't heard a peep in a while. With all of those interruptions, what's going to help you quickly refocus on your work? A great desk setup will help. That means having ergonomic desk equipment that draws you back into your work zone as soon as you sit down. If you are trying to work from the corner of the kitchen table, you might have a little bit more trouble keeping your work time separate and focused away from home life.